Virtual Creations email server no longer blacklisted

Tue, 3 May 2011

Our email server was blacklisted a couple of weeks ago by Trend Micro, resulting in outbound email message from some of our clients bouncing back.  This issue was caused by one of the hosting accounts on that server being hacked, and then used to send out spam. This account was repaired shortly after the spamming started, and is no longer vulnerable.

You may have been affected by having emails you sent bouncing back.  For example, if you (or your website) were sending an email message to any OptusNet email address, and were using the SMTP server provided by Virtual Creations, then these emails would have been bouncing back to you with an error about the sending server's reputation.

This issue was today resolved - Trend Micro finally agreed to remove our server from their blacklist.  Please allow up to 48 hours for any ISPs that use Trend Micro's blacklist service to update their systems and allow mail from our server again.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this issue.